Monday, 16 April 2007

20 tips on How to Save Your Marriage

1.Pray for your spouse

2.Declare any imaginations that you hold and let go of them

3.Forgive your spouse for anything. Again let it go

4.Declare out loud that you made vows of commitment

5.Read the five Love Languages and ascertain your spouse's love language out of these five
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Time
3. Physical Affection
4. Gifts

Work on these like you would in the garden.

6.Recall when you fell in love with your spouse

7.Write a list of things you like about your spouse

8.Write list of similarities

9.Write list of opposite or complimentary virtues they may have

The above things should help in tearing any walls down between you.

If there's another third party interfering in your marriage:
Pray for your enemy in this case Bless them (don't curse them and watch God move)

10.Do small things to help your marriage.

11.Leave little notes

12.Leave gifts, special things you know they like

13.Advice from a travelling evangelist:

'Woman get wild and interesting' Don't follow around

14. Man listen and acknowledge

15. Greetings are very important - a smile and kind words

16. Read 'Boundaries' if your problem relates to rescuer and rescuee.

17.Be proactive IF you need to look better, lose weight etc. make a plan

18. Appreciate Male, Love Female

19. Don't give up. There is hope.

20. Remember they married you!

Thursday, 12 April 2007

The Meaning of Life


What is the meaning of life?

With this question burning in mind, I used to wake up in the middle of the night as a teeenager. I was searching and I wouldn't be able to rest till I had the answer. I believe that having a praying grandmother or Nana was the reason behind my search.

I looked in all the wrong places: occult astrology eastern religion.

When I finally became acquainted with Jesus I knew I could not believe in reincarnation because Karma meant paying for your own sins, but Jesus had clearly taken them all away. When I got baptised later I felt so clean I didn't think I needed a shower - true!