Wednesday, 28 November 2007

7 Up Series

Got to watch a rerun of the Seven Up series late on SBS last night. This doco over the decades covers the lives of a bunch of children every seven years since they were seven years. Glad to see that Neil (I think that’s his name) is doing all right now after many years of being withdrawn and living the life of a squatter. He is now a Christian and went to live back in the city. He pushed himself and after a year or so became used to city life. A fellow 7 up man – a secondary school teacher let Neil stay with him for a while so he could settle in properly. Neil gave a speech at his mate’s wedding ceremony.

Neil entered local politics and was reelected again. He did say in one of his earlier episodes that he would like to do something important in politics. Now at 42 he is making a difference to the world despite his struggle with nerves etc.

Life Skills for School Leavers

I don’t know what they teach at secondary school level now but these are subjects I wish I learnt when I was at school. Under the topic of Life Skills

1. Finances and Budgeting for Life
2. Benefits of Team sports for School Leavers(theory)
3. Sharing Your Life for School Leavers
3. Nutrition for Boys and Men/Nutrition for Girls and Women
5. Different Traits of Men and Women
6. Domestics eg pet care and other life skills
7. Assertiveness Training for Win Win Solutions
8. Getting along with others (Pulling Your Weight)
9. Natural talents and Gifts Explored
10. Development of Core Values
11. Social Awareness for School Leavers eg. Alcohol

Thursday, 22 November 2007

God Qualities in Man

Do you marvel at some qualities in man/wo-man? We are made in God’s image and so we see things in our family and friends that can only be described as super human. These are the same traits we find in an omnipotent God.

God has always good to me in dishing out friends. Here are some of my closest friends and their amazing qualities.

Fiona was my best friend when I was seven to twelve. She had a sense of fun and sharp wit unrivalled. Her parents were English and quite old when they had her. She was pure sanguine but clever as well. She came first in a school beauty comp when we were 12. I came 2nd. Those were the days, politically incorrect. We were in separate grades at secondary school but always in admiration of each other. She sent me a postcard years after we left school and I was touched as I never forgot her either. I tried to introduce her to Jesus when we were both deserted by our then husbands. I think she is still childless as she didn’t want to have children after primary teaching!

Gayle was a confident, tall blonde. She was a melancholy perfectionist who tried hard at everything. Her gift was being faithful in the little things. I wasn’t surprised when she won a truckload of money and bought a beautiful house in Donvale. I once decided to eat a toasted cheese sandwich as slow as Gayle did as we sat in David Jones, it was the best I’d ever had. I watched Gayle brush all the pulleys off her top carefully and thoroughly while we talked.. She married young and had two boys and a girl.

Erika was a sanguine full of life and love. She was tad spoilt by old parents and I met her when she was 19. She was an arts student living above a shop in Glenferrie Road Hawthorn. It was quite a big group of arty people. Erika dyed her great fair hair black and wore black. I lived a few doors up above another shop. She would cook large baked potatoes and make guacomale dip and have parties putting on her ‘china face.’ Erika decided to teach art in the outback. She was raped there and life took a turn for the worse. I sent her an invitation to see Jeff Fenholt (x Black Sabbath) testify a few weeks before she suicided. I felt like her big sister and was devastated. Men were sobbing at her funeral.

Jo, friendly and sporty. Jo and I became friends in Year 12 and were very close for the next 20 years. She was a true friend and drove me around before I drove. We had one of the best holidays I’ve ever had, driving up to Cairns and back. She also became a Christian and we shared our great faith together. She was a servant of the Lord and dragged me to church. God prepared her for a special task after her sister died in a head on car crash.

Monday, 19 November 2007

De-tox in every way

Today I met up with one of my gorgeous friends in our connect group which meets fortnightly. We both coincidentally want to start running and also do a de-tox. We are both of the funny theory that a detoxed body is a detoxed spirit. Well more like body soul and spirit all impinge on each other and if you’re healthy physically, chances are you’ll be healthy emotionally and spiritually.

Im about to look up detox methods on the net and choose one probably in a diet sense which includes Adam’s Ale H2O. It’s hard to psyche yourself into things but with the help of others it becomes easier.

Happy detox to you too.

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Are you being falsely Accused?

Ever been accused of something you didn’t do. It’s something that occurs through life and even if you bothered to justify yourself you would be doubted. This happened to me when I was seven at school. I don’t even know what the crime was but the blame was put on me and another girl. Thankfully I think we were justified, I’m not even sure.

Again this happened to me when I was at my prime spiritually. I was accused of stealing an exam out of someone’s drawer on another floor and making it known to my friends.

The truth is a lot of us were about to sit an exam. I had been for an exam a year earlier and remembered some questions and wrote them out and the answers and gave them to my friends. When my friend was quizzed about me she defended me saying I was a Sunday school teacher etc and I never confronted the poor man. It was probably unwise to do what I did, but I was under false perception. I didn’t bother to sit the exam in the context of work, after finding out what happened. I would’ve been totally unaware if she didn’t tell me.

What’s our example when falsely accused? Joseph in Genesis, was falsely accused of raping Potiphar’s wife. He went to jail for this and rose to the top again after being faithful in all he was entrusted with.

So if you’re falsely accused, just ignore it. Keep an innocent attitude. God will justify you and promote you if you stay true to yourself and Him.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Australian Idol

Australian Idol was brought up on a Current affair's show a few weeks back as hosting many Christians affiliated with Hillsong. I do watch the show and was delighted to hear that. It turns out there were about four in the final 12 who were from AOG churches from around Australia. While Hillsong has the principal minister of the ACC (Australian Christian churches) of which AOG churches take part, all AOG churches are autonomous. The ACC churches have the same logo and that's about it. I used to send out the logo's.

I think it’s so great that the children brought up in these churches are taking part in worship through music and have the opportunity to develop their skills, with band practice weekly etc.

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Regarding this blog, I have been learning about traffic generation and internet marketing techniques from the blog of guru of the industry James Brausch.

My question to James which he invited on a recent blog post called Open Question Time at

If all the traffic you get is mainly from blogging and you employ ghostwriters who blog regularly for you, from you interns, how do you maintain control of the content. What checks do you put into play to make sure it is all approved by yourself, when you outsource like this? The trust you earned, do you think it grows in the light of ghost writing?

Monday, 5 November 2007

What’s right? Punctual or Late

I never thought I’d be late for my father’s funeral. My friend Jo drove many kms through the winding roads of Kangaroo ground down through Eltham to Doncaster. I thought for some reason it began at 1.30 but it was 1pm and to top it off my three year old was carsick. ‘I’m hungry’ he had said, but in fact he meant ‘I feel really sick.’ And we thought we were in plenty of time. My emotions were playing havoc as I walked down the aisle through a poised packed house, wearing Jo’s clothes, to the front seat with our old pastor patiently waiting.

I don’t like leaving people waiting. I’m glad I didn’t know I was late till the last minute. I’ve always strived to be punctual and if not I get anxious. But if there are unexpected disruptions my stress levels go through the roof. The challenge is to keep a good attitude when you feel you’re missing out.

It’s hard when I’ve always been surrounded by latees and relied on them on occasions.

But I’ll be surprised if there are clocks in heaven. Corrie Ten Boom’s old house was converted into a clock shop in Haarlem the home town of my own father. Timekeeping was very important to him and if members of his family were late to the dinner table they copped a hiding.

Jesus was often late. He left Lazarus 3 days in the grave while his sister Martha was ‘tearing her hair out.’ She had a dig at Jesus and said Lazarus now stunk. But in fact Jesus came in God’s timing and therefore he was punctual. The man Lazarus was brought to life which truly showed the glory of God.

Jesus often ‘tarried’ or was late and behind schedules (of man’s) to be in the will of God. He couldn’t be squeezed into the clock.

Though being punctual to me, would appear to be considerate and to be late, rude, that’s not the way God necessarily sees it.

Here’s an interesting Scripture to meditate on, ‘He who makes haste, believeth not.’

What do you think?

Sunday, 4 November 2007

How Do you Turn the World Upside Down?

What is standing in the Gap? This is Christian speak for praying or interceding for others. It is done in private but can…

Turn the world upside down.

I just finished an intercession course which covered Bible stories on this issue. Now I am truly equipped for this fun task. My mentor was my grandmother. She was brought up by Nuns in Windsor, after her mother died when she was young. This gave her a genuine reverence for God and made her a quiet intercessor.

This sent ripples into our family extending to the 70s when all of us committed our lives to Christ. It was an easy thing because we were all ripe and ready. I had spent years searching for the meaning of life since I was 10 when my mother was picked up by ambulance and taken away to a hospital as I watched on feeling helpless and like a traitor. I grew up in that instant. But she had become violent (paranoid schizophrenic) and we were all suffering as a result.

This standing in the gap by my grandmother was handed to me like a baton. I was a similar temperament and inclined this way. You can be any temperament.

I love to pray. I love to defend the helpless, the weak, the downtrodden which funnily enough includes the environment these days and my small suburb of 5000. The greatest thing I learnt about intercession is to do it in a cluster. Over the years of praying I discovered the ‘backlash’. I want to pray in a group for the bigger things. It’s not always easy to get away but that’s where my heart is. I found a little group 1 minute away from my house which includes a couple of dedicated women from my church. I feel safe in the group and can be really creative in my praying. It’s like a blank canvas to me. We see what's weighing down our hearts, we get the will of God for a situation and in agreement believe for a change. We see the results unfold and God gets the glory.


Anne K

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Latest Thoughts

Australian music awards the Arias saw John Butler Trio sing Funky Tonight with Keith Urban. What a great song. Doug had been playing it over the weeks and I stood up and took notice of that one. Reminded me of one song Mason Rack does too.

Last night watched Boytown about an 80s band getting back together. Glen Robbins was funny as always and it had a nice little twist. I would’ve loved to see more Melbourne settings. If I was to make a movie I’d get the MCG at twilight late autumn, where droves of people halt traffic donned in their colours through the glorious light of silhouetted trees. Mont Albert Road in full autumn with dark red and amber leaves falling from the oaks and other beautiful settings.