Saturday, 17 May 2008

Desalination co$ts the Earth

I saw this sign on a car a while back and I agreed with it. Though I don’t know a lot about the Desal I know Dubai has 30 plus plants, Malta has been living on it for years. It’s a sad thing we have to resort to measures such as Desalination plants to supply us. Firstly it depletes the sea of marine and plant life by taking from it and leaving the salt there. The Dead Sea is an example of a salty sea so salty they warn not to put your eyes in it or else. Secondly the Desalination maintenance would take 40 million a year. This would be translated into costly rates for locals. I have also heard that the filtering systems are not perfect and any salt traces ruin washing machines etc.

The mansize pipes running down local street to feed Brisbane one hour away are to run down lots of residential streets. Imagine the red tape and time it would take to complete when the residents get wind of it. I want the next generation to have water. It’s not a selfish thing on my part. Just read ‘The Lorax’ by Dr Seuss to see the long-term results of something like Desalination. Bottled water being sold is a sad reminder of the earth’s condition of which we are stewards.

Monday, 12 May 2008


Ever looked at Google earth? Typed in a city and feature and watched the earth spin round and home in your specified area. It really spooks me for some reason. I feel like I’m playing God and how could I have such access. It really makes me feel big. I can walk down memory lane and find all my old abodes.

Saturday, 10 May 2008

The Rich Ruler

There was a rich ruler who approached Jesus about how he would inherit eternal life. (Luke 18: 18)He called Jesus good master and Jesus knew him and unfortunately he said No one is good only God. Jesus went onto ask him about if he'd kept the commandments and the man was proud to say he had. Then Jesus said, basically, ... sell what you have and give it to the poor. The man was probably shocked and went away sad. He now knew his problem was he loved money. He wasn't about to give it up. And while Jesus wasn't advocating selling everything we own as a flat statement he was advocating the commandment to love God with all your heart soul and mind (above all else). This true story in the Bible has challenged me recently. I think of Myanmar and know I must take up the small challenge to donate something to that devastated nation. I hope the rich young ruler had a good long think about his eternal destiny as more was required of him. He may have changed his heart.