Saturday, 28 June 2008

Farewell Leone

Farewell to Leone. A lioness, a sunflower in a dull world. She produced loads of children’s books and is in the Who’s Who of Children’s Books in Australia and many published overseas. She got me some practical placement in TAFE television. She wrote a VCE book where I helped with the manuscript. She encouraged me with writing and drawing. She took time out to meet me over the years for a coffee and catch up. She opened her own publishing company. She lost her only son when he was 26 (a blood clot in the lung). She and I shared deep things in common. I hope I see her in heaven. Till then farewell.

Monday, 23 June 2008

In the World Where you Live

Exact Places Where You Live

You think you choose where you live right? Wrong. In the book of Acts in the New Testament and we think the writer is Paul, Acts 17: 26 says ‘...God has chosen the exact places where we live’… and the reason is there also.

I was stunned by this fact. I call it a fact cos I know that the Bible is the Word of God, God breathed and written by writers inspired by God (Hebrews: 'Sharper than any two edged sword' etc. )and knowing this as a Christian I feel a certain responsibility to my neighbours. We are also called to love our neighbours as ourselves. Now this can be a trial at times. Friends recently had to take their neighbour to law as they’re lives were being threatened. mm food for thought. Christians carry their cross of sacrifice in many ways hopefully your cross to bear isn’t your neighbour.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Nothing Can Separate Us

My faith which I acquired on a single day in 1977 can never be taken away from me cos here’s just a few things God has done for me…
Healed me from a sty on my eye 1978
Helped me give up smoking age 31
Set me free from a bad relationship Promise 1983 Jer 15:15. Came to pass 1993.
Healed me from a growth in my throat which nearly choked me the day before (1983).
Gave me courage to drive age 36
Gave me first/last child age 46
Restored me in nearly all areas where I had been robbed

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Trucks out of Tugun

Tugun Bypass was completed last Tuesday this means our little town of 5000 won't have to watch trails of trucks pass down the highway. This is great news for Tugun which used to be a sleepy little place according to my neighbour who's lived here most of her life. Woohoo. One of our future fights concerns powerlines overhead from Tugun to Mudgeeraba to service the desalination.